Elara MS is a specially formulated microbial stimulant designed to feed the microbial life within the soil.  It’s unique blend of bio stimulants, trace elements, enzymes, essential oils, organic acids and carbohydrates are essential to develop and sustain a healthy and robust microbial population.

We partner with Biodyne to sell their microbial products: Enviornoc 401, Enviornoc 501, and Enviornoc Seed Treatment.

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Foliar and In-furrow; 8 oz an acre

Elara MS: In-furrow application is a specially formulated microbial Bio-stimulant designed to feed microbial life in the soil through an in-furrow broadcast or foliar application.  Its unique blend of bio stimulants, trace elements, enzymes, essential oils, organic acids and carbohydrates are essential to develop and sustain a healthy and robust microbial population.

You may be asking what do microscopic organisms have to do with row cropping?  The simple answer is everything!   As the plant absorbs sun light and converts it into energy by the process of photosynthesis a large portion of the energy is sent to the roots.  At this point the plant excretes a fluid like substance called exudate.  The exudate is created to feed the surrounding microbes in the rhizosphere that in return feeds the plant through the process of organic matter mineralization.  This is a very harmonious and synergistic relationship, the plants feed the microbes and the microbes feed the plant.  Healthy soil creates healthy plants and healthy plants create healthy soil.

When developing Elara we used these basic principles as the basis for our chemical formulation.  We created in the lab what the plant does itself; a synthetic exudate.  Modern agriculture focuses on feeding the plant.  At Mankato Valley Soil Solutions, we focus on feeding the microbes that feed the plant.  Soils teaming with healthy, robust microbial populations will propel organic matter mineralization into overdrive in ways rarely seen in modern agriculture. This synergistic process improves soil structure, releases locked up nutrients, slows nutrient leeching, mitigates disease pressure, improves standability and increases root mass.  These factors drive overall plant health and efficiency often leading to higher, more consistent yields.



Elara MS: Foliar application As a plant continues to mature our goal at MVSS is to help make it the most efficient factory possible.  The number of rounds on an ear of corn is established at V8 halfway through its vegetative growth stage.   Elara Foliar is designed to provide the growing plants with exactly what they need to finish strong by increasing standability, root mass and yield potential.  This is achieved with an 8.0 oz/acre bump of sugars, trace elements, humic and fulvic acids along with our proprietary blend of bio stimulants at (V6-V10) in corn and (V1-V3 in beans)- making healthier, more robust plants and improving yield potential.  

Later in the growing season, Elara Foliar can complement or replace a fungicide program in both corn and beans and can be tank mixed for ease of use and reducing fuel per acre.  At this point of a plants life the goal is to lengthen the growing season by extending plant health improving grain quality and test weight.  Proper timing complements fungicide in corn applied at (R1 - R-3) with R2 being optimal.  In soybeans (R2 - R-3) is excellent timing.


Elara MS + Biodyne: In-Furrow application When high yield is the goal one of the most important times in a crop’s life is as it emerges from the ground.  As crops in a field emerge, uniformity is important!  What do you call a corn plant that comes up 5 days later than its neighbor… a weed!  I know this is meant to be comical but is equally truthful.  

With the addition of a microbial boost of 26 strands of microbes found in Biodyne 401 and Elara the food source specially designed to feed them you are setting your crop up for optimum potential.   This combo can improve cold germination giving plants a biological push out of the ground and providing them with the food source and trace minerals to enhance early plant development.  Getting your crop off to a good start is the first step in setting up for the yield potential you are looking for.